Demos & Deals You can get your hands on new products, attend demonstrations and compare features and prices. At the same time, you can meet exhibitors and ask them detailed questions to help you make the best purchase. This is where the top quality products will be found created be true craftsmen. Many exhibitors will be offering "Show Specials" where you can get the best possible deals. Be sure to check out the Promotions page. |
Education The Saw Tech Log Expo is a unique opportunity to learn what steps the logging industry is taking to ensure that wood is a renewable resource. |
Woodlot Owners |
Fun The Renfrew area has lots to enjoy in a beautiful setting, so be sure to allow time to enjoy the area while you are here. |
Work - Play - Live in the Forest
Family Fun
If you Work - Play - Live in the forest, Forest Life Expo will be 3 days of excitement.
MORE INFOOutdoor Recreation
Whether you hunt, fish, hike or travel the roads and rivers of Canada's forests you will find something at Forest Life Expo.
MORE INFOWood Artisans
Check out the artists who will be working on their pieces right in front of you.. You will be amazed with the skill as person handles a chainsaw and expertly carves into a pine log.
MORE INFOLogging and Milling
This is a large category covering everything from the tree to Harvesting - Loading - Transportation, including; Harvesting systems (feller bunchers, delimbers. processors, skidders, forwarders) Access Road Construction Equippment. Portable Bridgers, Culverts, Commercial Thinning, Slashers, Chippers, Debarkers. Log Loaders, Planting and Stand Tending equipment, Trailers, Chip Vans, Trucks, self-Loading Trailers & attachments, Grapples, Remote Slings, GIS/GPS systems, Safety & Fire Protection. Tores, Chains, Oils, Lubricant
MORE INFORural Businesses
This is a wide ranging category covering everything needed to live in a rural area. Essential rural services and products or just ways to make rurl life more enjoyable and easier. We will be featuriing a number of unique businesses that have turned their passion into a life long income.
MORE INFOOff Grid Living
Going off-grid is more than a saying its a way of life. Forest Life Expo is all about living, playing and working in the forest, we will have exhibitions covering the following: Solar/Wind, Power, Satellite, Composting/Septic, Outdoor Furnaces, Geothermal, Water Solutions,
MORE INFOValue -Added
Their is a reason why loggers cut the trees, from a renewable resource there is produced value-added wood products from flooring, furniture, cabinetry. We will be promoting smaller manufactures to come and bring their products and develop relations with the end user.
All Ontarians will recognize the importance of maintaining healthy and productive forests on private lands. Woodlot owners will be acknowledged and supported in their role as the caretakers of this valuable resource and natural heritage.