Presentations/Courses can be an excellent way of introducing your organization to an audience who chose to listen to you. Here are 3 talking points that you need to consider to ensure your presentation achieves the outcome you want.
- Establish Trust & Credibility: This is done by establishing the expectations of the presentation.
Deliver Value: People who go through the trouble of registering and watching a presentation are looking for answers and connections with a person who has in-depth information on a subject matter.
Respect Your Audience: Keep to schedules, stay organized and practice your presentation and RELAX have some fun.
Forest Life Expo will be held at the Ma-Te-Way Event Centre which has excellent facilities. In the past we have hosted presentations with over 100 attendees. All exhibitors are encouraged to develop their own presentation and we market it as an event within the event (on Facebook, website, printed brochure and other channels). In the past, some exhibitors have charged a fee for their course. Our advanced ticketing platform can handle that for you, and provide you with information about the course attendees.
If you would like to host a presentation or course we ask that you fill in the form or give us a call at 705-264-2251. We will be glad to expand on how we can make your presentation or course a success.