["Amex Hardwood","Bruce Sales Inc.","FPInnovations","George Heath Tooling and Machining","Hy-Grade Steel Roofing System","Lavern Heideman & Sons Limited","RJB Infuzion Inc.","Universal Supply Group","Honig Industrial Equipment","Ashton Wood Turning","Bell\u2019s Machining Welding & Hydraulics","Blacks Creek Innovations","Centre Town Motorsports - Kawasaki","Coyote Log Homes Inc.","Eastonmade Wood Splitters","Hakmet","Hwy 511 Heating Solutions","J.R. Brisson","Norwood Industries Inc.","Picken's Farm Equipment Inc","Portage and Main Outdoor Boilers","Wood-Mizer Canada","SMG Champion Portable Sawmill Ltd.","CDL Maple Sugaring Equipment","Huckabone\u2019s Equipment","County of Renfrew Economic Development Services","LeafFilter North of Canada, Inc.","Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Association","Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters","Bromley Farm Supply Ltd.","Bob Shear","Tie Boss","ReadyQuip Sales and Service","True North Log Homes","Pura Vida Crafts","Silvana Import Trading Inc","Authentic Broad Axe Handhewing","Woody Equipment","Bowes & Cocks Ltd. Brokerage","Forests Ontario","FCF Canada Renfrew County Chapter","Ferguson Forest Centre","Natural Resources & Forestry Pembroke Enforcement Unit","Turtle Island Protection Services Inc. & Aboriginal Risk Service","M & L Supply","Haix North America","Centre Town Motorsports - Suzuki","REIS Equipment","Mack MacKenzie Motors","MEC Ottawa","Sean Uherek Carving","The Pine Shop","North Renfrew Tree Services Ltd.","FBC","Specialty Watercraft by Al Ridgway","Ontario Woodlot Association","Eastern Ontario Model Forest","The Hydraulic Co.","Cord King","Ontario Fur Managers Federation","Whitewater Foam Insulation Solutions","Iron Dog Log Exchange"]

George Heath Tooling and Machining
A6-11 (Indoor Arena ), A6-12 (Indoor Arena )
We design and manufacture dies, fixtures, gauges and specialty portable sawmill equipment such as Bandsaw Blade Setters and Profile Blade Sharpeners. The setters and sharpeners have been made for about 18 years and have proven to be very durable and accurate. Manual and semi automatic setters are manufactured which set two teeth at one time, a right and a left tooth on each side of the the blade. A blades teeth can be set on a blade in about 30 seconds. This setter is one of a kind and is patented and sold exclusively by Heath Tooling.
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